Where do you ship from?
All our products are shipped from Canada.
Where do you ship to?
We ship internationally to any country.
What is the shipping cost?
Shipping cost vary depending on the quantity ordered and the destination country. You will get the exact cost during the checkout process.
Orders and tracking
When you place your order, you will receive a Purchase Confirmation email confirming your Order # and purchase details. You can cancel your order or make changes to your shipping information the same day you placed your order by midnight. After midnight, we start to get your product ready for processing and shipping and this normally takes 2-3 business days. When this is completed, your will receive a Shipping Confirmation email.
Once your order has shipped, we will send you another Shipping Update email with your tracking number. To track your package, simply click on the link provided.
What is the shipping time?
All orders are shipped via Canada Post.
Shipping to Canada takes 4 business days.
International shipping takes 5-12 business days depending on your country.